13 Ιανουαρίου 2014

The Labor Institute of GSEE was founded in 1990 as the scientific and research organization of the trade unions in Greece, in order for GSEE to make substantiated interventions in the social and economic level, in employment, education etc. Specifically the goal of the Human Resource Development Department is to develop and communicate know-how concerning the vocational training and LLL system, trade union and workplace learning. Its programs and actions are addressed to employed and unemployed, to socially vulnerable groups such as women, immigrants etc. 

It has 14 regional and 10 sectoral departments all over Greece. Except of economists and labour relations specialists, a big number of our employees are social scientists and educationalists, while it has an extended network of external collaborators. It also participates as a representative of GSEE in all the social partner negotiations regarding employment, vocational training –LLL policies etc. at European, national, regional, and local level. INE/GSEE has actively participated in the formation of the national vocational system through its participation to the relevant committees and to the governing councils of related public organizations. Recently it has also contributed in the social dialogue concerning the development of the LLL national system, of the NQF and of the quality system in Greece. It has been assigned to and developed 150 occupational profiles. It has contributed in the development of the first National Training of Trainers Programme in VET. It has implemented many programs regarding training of trainers, developers / managers, evaluators and key actors involved in the LLL system. It has a high expertise in the formation of educational material in a conventional/distance form, while the last years, has also implemented transnational and national projects where developed e-educational material, e-platforms and realized pilot seminars in a blended and in a distance form in a variety of subjects (training of trainers in intercultural competences, in developing curricula / educational material / use of social media etc.).

Especially concerning quality, it has developed a Quality system for Counselling Support and employment Services; it has recently (2010) been assigned by the Ministry of Education and LLL and conducted a Study on the National LLL Quality system, providing reports, quality indicators and guidelines as well as the necessary preconditions for its formation and expansion in the different sectors of LLL. Finally, the last years, it also implements a quality control system, aspiring to improve managerial and scientific capacity of the organization, gaining from the everyday experience concerning the implementation of quality systems.